Using the Control System

When you place the mouse pointer over a verb in the Control Panel, it 
lights up. Click once with the left mouse button to select it.

When you place the mouse pointer over an area of the Playing Area 
which contains an object which may be useful, the following will 
(i)  Its name will appear in the Sentence Line, along with the 
     current verb (eg. Walk To (object), Talk To (object)). If you 
     click the left mouse button, the sentence in the Sentence Line  
     will change colour, showing that the mouse click has been 
     registered. If another object/item is required, the colour of 
     the sentence will return to normal, showing that you should 
     select something else before the sentence will be carried out.
(ii) A verb will be highlighted in the Control Panel. This is the 
     default verb for the object ('Look At' for most objects and 
     'Talk To' for other characters). To use this verb with the 
     object, click the right mouse button. The sentence in the 
     Sentence Line will change colour. Eric will then carry out the 
     appropriate action as if you had manually selected the action.

When you place the mouse pointer over the arrows next to the Inventory
Boxes, they will only be highlighted if they are available to use.