Verb Summary

Below is a summary of all of the verbs in the game.
Highlighted Text shows the text which will appear in the Sentence Line.

(object) means the object which you have clicked on in the Playing 
(item) means the item in the inventory which you have clicked on

- Walk To Select the object you want to walk to 
  "Walk to (object)" (Walking to certain paths takes you to the Map)
- Pick Up Select the object you want to pick up
  "Pick up (object)"
- Use Select the object you want to use or open
  "Use (object)" 
  Select the item in your inventory that you want to use with 
  something else and then select the object/item in your inventory 
  that you want to use it with. 
  "Use (item) with (object/item)"
- Look At Select the object on the playing screen or in your 
  inventory that you want to Look At
  "Look at (object/item)"
- Talk To Select the character or thing you want to Talk To 
  "Talk To (object)"
- Give Select the item in your inventory that you want to 
  give away and then the character that you want to give it to.
  "Give (item) to (object)"
- Throw Select the item in your inventory that you want to 
  throw and then the object that you want to throw it at. 
  "Throw (item) at (object)"